Exotic Tours
sharing experiences
Dear Traveler, my name is Rejane Reis and we from Exotic Tours operate exclusively within the beautiful city of Rio de Janeiro, where we offer many unique tours. One of our most successful and requested tour is the "Favela Rocinha Tour", a 3-hour tour through the largest slum in Brazil. It is a perfectly safe tour and the community welcomes visitors. Daytime tours includes One Day In Rio visiting the best views in Rio from Corcovado and Sugar Loaf Mountain, sightseeing, Tijuca Rain Forest, world's largest urban forest, Historical Tour in downtown, Maracanã Stadium, Botanic Garden, Helicopter Flights. Night time entertainment includes samba-school rehearsals and Brazilian music shows, Lapa's Samba Shows and Ginga Tropical Folkloric Show. We are fully staffed, reliable and ready to deliver courteous, professional service with English-speaking guides and drivers. We also offer tourist information and advice free of charge regarding hotel accommodations, entertainment, dining, transportation, what to do and where to go. Specific tours to city attractions and sporting events may be arranged upon request. We'll be glad to answer any questions and hope that you try our services. You won't regret it. Exotic Tours is recommended by important travel books around the world as Le Guide Du Routard, Lonely Planet, Riotur. Make sure to contact us directly by e-mail or telephone to guarantee better prices.

Favela Rocinha Sustainable Tour
Walking Tour inside Rocinha.
Exotic Tours was the first Tourism Operator working with residents inside Rocinha . Visit the largest slum in South América with local guides from the Rocinha's Tourism Workshop. Rejane Reis, owner of Exotic Tours, is the pioneer in sustainable tourism inside Rocinha and now she runs the Tourism Workshop which trains local youngsters as guides to take you on this unique tour. Your visit will help our sustainable project as well as create work opportunities within the community. Be assured this is an absolutely safe tour as the locals welcome tourists and visitors alike. You may also purchase locally handcrafted items while on tour, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Make your reservations by e-mail or
(55 21) 99222-6972